Marigold Logistics offers a comprehensive range of freight services, including rail transport. Businesses can take advantage of the company’s rail freight service, which provides a reliable and efficient method of transporting goods between different locations.
The rail freight service operates with a frequency of twice a week, connecting the company’s facility to Chennai. Specifically, trains run every Wednesday and Saturday to Chennai, providing businesses with a regular and reliable service that they can rely on.
Moreover, the company’s rail freight service also operates in the reverse direction, providing businesses with reliable return service. Specifically, the service runs every Thursday and Monday from Chennai, giving businesses the flexibility to transport their goods when they need to.
The regular and reliable service provided by the company’s rail freight service is a significant advantage for businesses that require efficient and cost-effective transportation solutions. The service’s frequency means that businesses can plan their logistics and transportation needs more effectively, ensuring that their goods are transported in a timely and efficient manner.